200 years of murder stick saga
Announcement film screening - 02 July 2022 | 19:00 | NaturKulturHotel Stumpf
This summer marks the two-hundredth anniversary of the legendary murder of a young woman from Neunkirchen in the small Odenwald forest, who met her violent death on the way to Eberbach. Even today, a memorial stone at the alleged scene of the crime commemorates the event.
Larissa Anton, an Odenwald legend enthusiast from Darmstadt, has made a film about the legends of the Odenwald, which, in addition to the Mordstock saga, also provides insights into other myths, stories and some background knowledge about the historical Odenwald. Accompanied by the Heimat- und Museumsverein Neunkirchen, the film "Tatort Odenwald - steinerne Zeugen blutiger Schuld" will be shown on July02, 2022 at 19:00 in the NaturKulturHotel Stumpf in Neunkirchen . Admission is free of charge.
Photo: Larissa Anton